Welcome to (the “Website”), owned and operated by Stylish Gardens Pty Ltd (“Company”), 42 Norton Street Leichhardt NSW 2040.
The following policy (the “Privacy Policy”) governs your use of Company’s Website and Company’s use of your private information. This Privacy Policy creates a binding legal agreement between you and Company and your access to the Website is subject to this Privacy Policy. Company reserves the right to update and change the Privacy Policy by posting updates and changes to the Website. You are advised to check the Privacy Policy from time to time for any updates or changes that may impact you.

  1. Data Collected by Company.
    1. When you utilize the Website, Company may collect personally identifiable information that you provide to Company, such as your name, address, phone number, email addresses, photo or nickname. Company will ask you to create a password for your user account.
    2. With your permission, Company may also access other profile and personal information from third-party Websites. Such information may include passwords, usernames, profile pictures, and other such data that you have posted on third-party sites and Websites.
    3. The contents of any entry that you post directly to the Websites, including any text, images, photos, videos and audio, are stored and maintained on Company’s servers in order to publish these items and provide the Websites. Your submitted content will be associated with your account.
    4. Company’s systems may also associate personal information with your activities in the course of providing Websites to you (such as pages you view or things you buy).
    5. When you send email or other communication to Company, Company may retain those communications in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and improve Company’s Websites.
    6. Company uses certain user information to better understand how visitors use Company’s website. This information is commonly made available by web browsers and servers, and may include data about browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request.
  2. Company’s Use of Data.
    1. Company maintains and processes your personal information in order to provide your account and access.
    2. Company uses your name and email address to notify you of updates that you have selected in “Settings”, as well as other information.
    3. Personal information will be used to allow you to share posts through a share button, but will not be saved or stored by Company.
    4. Company stores passwords for third-party websites if it is required by that website to display the information on Company’s Website. Company does this in order to provide Company’s Website to you. Company does not store passwords for third-party sites when you provide them as part of contact information retrieval.
    5. Company may also process personal information for:
      1. fulfilling purchases;
      2. sending you information related to your account or other websites;
      3. auditing, research and analysis in order to maintains, protects and improves Company’s Website;
      4. ensuring the technical functioning of Company’s network; and
      5. developing new websites.
    6. To operate the Website, Company may make identifiable and anonymous information available to third parties in these limited circumstances:
      1. with your express consent.
      2. when Company have a good faith belief it is required by law.
      3. when Company have a good faith belief it is necessary to protect Company’s rights or property , or
      4. to any successor or purchaser in a merger, acquisition, liquidation, dissolution or sale of assets. Your consent will not be required for disclosure in these cases, but Company will attempt to notify you, to the extent permitted by law to do so.
  3. Sharing of Data with Trusted Partners.
    Unless you indicate otherwise in your user account’s “Settings”, the information Company collects, as described above, may be shared with trusted partners in order to provide you with relevant advertising, offers or Websites. You can control whether Company share personal data with partners in your user account’s “Settings”. California residents are legally entitled (at no charge and no more than once annually) to request information about how Company may have shared your information with others for direct marketing purposes. Should you desire such information, please contact us at [email protected].
  4. Unaffiliated Third Parties.
    Despite Company’s policy against the sale or use of personal information without user consent, users should be aware that what they share on the Website may be discovered by third parties without the involvement of Company, including, without limitation, search engine crawlers and bots. Users should always take that into consideration whenever they share anything.
  5. Unauthorized Minors.
    Company does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18. If you believe Company has inadvertently collected such information, please contact us at [email protected] , so Company can promptly obtain parental consent or remove the information.
  6. Security.
    Information collected by Company may be stored or processed on computers located in any country where Company does business. Company takes reasonable steps to secure your personally identifiable information against the unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. Company encrypts transmission of data on pages where you provide payment information. However, no security or encryption method can be guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error.
  7. Access to Data; Account Deletion.
    Company will remove personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, email or phone number) and other preferences associated with your account promptly after you delete your account. Company may retain other data indefinitely. Company takes reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information Company processes is accurate, complete, and current, but also depends on Company’s users to update or correct their personal information whenever necessary.
  8. Miscellaneous.
    1. This Privacy Policy constitutes the entire agreement between you and Company with respect to the specific subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings of any kind with respect to the specific subject matter hereof.
    2. In the event that any provision or part of this Privacy Policy shall be deemed void or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions or parts shall be and remain in full force and effect.
    3. Company reserves the right, in Company’s reasonable discretion, to make modifications to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such modifications will be made by updating and posting a new version on the Website and notifying you of the revised Privacy Policy. In the event that Company makes changes to this Privacy Policy, Company will provide you with the opportunity to review and approve the terms prior to your continued use of the Website. Should any modification be unacceptable to you, your sole recourse is to discontinue use of the Website.
    4. The provisions of this Privacy Policy are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not for the benefit of any third parties, except that Company shall have the right to assign this Privacy Policy and/or any of the rights herein and this Privacy Policy shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Company’s assignee(s) hereto and their respective successors, assigns and legal representatives.
    5. No failure by either party to pursue any remedy resulting from a breach of any provision of this Privacy Policy by the other party shall be construed as a waiver of that breach or as a waiver of any subsequent or other breach unless such waiver is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the non-breaching party.
    6. Any notice, demand or other communication which may or is required to be given under this Privacy Policy must be in writing and must be: (i) personally delivered; (ii) transmitted by United States postage prepaid mail, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; (iii) transmitted by reputable overnight courier Website, such as Federal Express or UPS; (iv) transmitted by legible facsimile, with confirmation of receipt; or (v) transmitted by electronic mail, with confirmation of receipt.
    7. This Privacy Policy shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of New South Wales, Country of Australia, applicable to agreements to be wholly performed therein, without giving effect to its laws governing conflict of laws.